Making your data work for you
The insights you need to guide your business to success are hidden in your data. But having access to it is not enough. The challenge is cleaning, transforming, and storing that data so you can get it in front of the right people, in the right format, at the right time.
Headquartered in New York City, Binary Machines is a company built by experienced data engineers to help businesses create knowledge from information in an age of distributed systems, real-time data streams, and cloud computing.
We have a wealth of experience in data modeling, software development, systems administration, and data analytics. Our engagement team can help you zero in on the business facts you and your analysts care about. Our engineering team has the know-how, tools, and infrastructure to build the data architecture that's right for your business. And our operations team can deploy and maintain your custom solution in the cloud, or on-premises.
Get in touch with us to set up a free initial consultation.
(833) 246-2792
“As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.”